ICarly Lost Episode: CarlySamFreddy.avi

iCarly is a program that aired back in 2007. Seriously, iCarly is like my favorite TV show. Every time an episode airs, I would watch it and wouldn't want to miss a single bit of it.
Well, let me tell you guys a story about an iCarly episode that never aired, and that I stumbled upon.

The Story

I was sitting on the couch watching television. I couldn't find anything good to watch so I went over to my computer. I was about to go on the internet, until a video got uploaded onto my computer. It was called, "CarlySamFreddy.avi". It took me a few seconds to realize that it was a video. I didn't have time to watch it because it was 4:00, and I promised my mom I would help her with something at that time.
Three minutes later, I completely forgot about the video. I spent eight hours doing boring stuff, when there was a video waiting to be watched by me. It had become 12:00, which meant that it was getting late. I was about to hop into bed, when I suddenly remembered the video.
I ran over to the computer and clicked on the video, but it didn't play. I clicked on it five more times and it still wouldn't budge. I clicked on it one more time and it finally started to play. When it began, some words that said, "iCarly Season 5, Episode 2.5" appeared on the screen.Apparently, it was an iCarly episode. It probably takes place between Season 5, Episode 2 and Season 5, Episode 3, considering that 2.5 means two and a half. The words vanished into darkness. Suddenly, a little girl started to come out of the darkness.
I was surprised to see that it was Carly. I noticed that something didn't look right. There were strings attached to her arms and legs. Her legs weren't even touching the floor. The strings were carrying her as she ran. It was kind of creepy. It was like she was a string puppet, but she looked like a real person. Suddenly, a high pitched scream came out of the loudspeakers. It scared the life out of me. I fell to the floor. I got up and saw something scary on the computer screen. It was the face of a puppet. The face was absolutely horrific. It started talking.
Its voice was very deep and distorted. Its eyes were very hyper-realistic. They looked like they were human eyeballs glued to my computer screen that were staring at me. I couldn't understand what it was saying. I was very frightened. I called the cops. I quickly ran into my room and locked the door. I could still hear the puppet's scary voice. The voice stopped when somebody came into my house. I quickly burst out of my room. It was the cops. I looked at my computer screen. It was cracked and broken.
The next day, I was trying to translate what the scary puppet face was saying. I finally finished translating it. It appeared to be speaking Russian. In English, it appeared to be repeating this sentence, "In 2 years, I am going to get you."